Archive for the ‘Journal’ Category

This and That… NM

Friday, February 9th, 2018

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“Look deep into Nature, and then you will understand everything better”
~ Albert Einstein ~

“Sunrise” at Bosque Del Apache

With four more Drs appointments this month, regardless of warmer weather, we are still nailed to this space. There is no complaining, the physical comfort for sure is present, yet the mental vehicle feels as it has been idling for too long. We could go for a couple of days, we did, I am just not used to deadlines while having to return. At the same time while these days everything is on the Internet, meaning my whole medical history including surgeries and medications on a National Data Base for all Drs and Hospital to have access, I read it this morning and taken back from such history! They, the Medical Profession, for sure have kept me [so far!] alive with new parts and procedures. Why do I wonder how long I will last? I have no answer… Could be that idling issue like a camera with its batteries fully charged up yet locked up in its case!

Mike and Tortuga

We had a great visit from who I call my “Hero”! Mike Saunders who had also visited us at The Oasis a couple of times. 31 years young man who has been on the road already for quite some time… I lose track! He is “doing it” NOW versus later on a small 50cc Honda Ruckus. He also about a year ago canoe the Mississippi River, yes, the whole length. Soon he will leave “Tortuga” [his two wheels] and take on the East Coast with a 17′ Sea Kayak.  We took off after he left! Just got back from “Bosque Del Apache” which is a Wildlife Bird Sanctuary South of Socorro. The technical details will be on The New Mexico Roads Journal. Mike is an old Soul. I am just Old! [a little scarasm there!] and our semi intelligent conversations did not solve the World’s problems but I do truly think we put a kind dent into it.

Always something to fix…

I mentionned the fact that we just returned from “Bosque Del Apache” because this was the first time since here we have actually [besides Hospitals!] been away on the road and after spending a few days with Mike who is “on the road”, I am today feeling the changes more than ever. Our paths have been for years pretty much in parallel and now obviously ours diverged with a home in Alamogordo, New Mexico. There is no envy, no jaleousy for sure as my acceptance of our reality is solid, there is just is a certain inspiration that our times on the road 24/7 is an aspect of the past. It just was not the same being away just for a few days while surprised at myself looking forward to coming back here and at the same time not… Confusing! Needs versus wants… I guess medically speaking staying alive one way or another takes precedents! Never thought this day would arrive… These days…

Thumbs up!

It was a good, sweet short Journey while planning more of them. The logistics are quite different I must say. I take advantage of my kitchen while preparing certain meals so I don’t have to cook on the road and I know that a nice hot shower is always waiting. The sights were beautiful, the birds plentiful and lucky we caught the tail end of their migration before they spend their own spring and summer up in Canada. I was told there would be 100 times more birds around Thanksgiving. Will be back there when it happens.

And then he is gone again…

When we moved here I had in mind to enlarge some of my photos to mount on my walls. Frames are plentiful here at the second hand store. So I had a couple portraits printed in color and they are just fine with me. Walgreen especially with the Sunday coupon is the best. Yes, I am getting very domesticated…. It was then picking up some landscapes and started with only one. My favorite storm photo and as I hanged it on the wall it just did not work out. This was also in color. I started thinking that maybe I had already too many colors around me but that was not it. I realized that I was there that day in Ennis, Montana. I experienced it. I took the photo. I smelled the storm and that photo just did not convey my experience. It was for me a downgrade. So besides the two portraits all my photos hanging are now black and white. They have become a bit mysterious obliging me to think about those days when I clicked on the shutter. They are portals to the past. Those days when I really felt Mother Nature at its best. Memories… They are all part of this Life.

My new “Jelly Bean” hat

The “Etsy” store

Facebook page

So I have to mention as this is important to me, I bought a new hat for our outdoor activities when cold. It is not just any hat but one made by a Cancer Survivor who has just celebrated her two years anniversary of her rebirth. Her name is Shela Kay and so unfortunate that she lives over 1500 miles from us. She and her Daughters deserve a “hug” from us. That ugly and costly to so many of us word seem to be so rampant these days I was thinking. Is it really true that there is still not a real 100% cure for it? Or is it the greed of the Medical Profession which keeps it afloat? I know it is a horrible thought to think as such while the few survivors are celebrated wishing I could also celebrate or had celebrated Lance’s well being. There is so much I don’t understand. Probably never will…

My favorite of the Journey

Stay well, Ara and Spirit