A ride to Infineon Track and Point Reyes.. CA

Friday, June 1st, 2007

*** When reading this Blog on a wide screen… the words are coming out of their alignement… we are “working” on the problem… now back to our regular schedule… 

One way to get over and iron out the mindless traffic jam in my brain yesterday was to take a long ride! This lap top is finally starting to cooperate, user friendly?… I read somewhere… “I” have been friendly, somehow it does not make up for my ignorance toward it. I wonder what others do when they purchase a new computer and do not have a friend like Brian, as I do, willing to take care of it? I sure hope this one lasts me another many years and starts feeling like an old T shirt soon… fumbling around is no fun as I discovered… It was a strong side wind welcoming me on 12 and 37 going west. Same as here, it just has not stopped… a little lighter during the day but then as the sun goes down, it wakes up with more power than ever. I would have preferred a head wind on the way… allowing me to looking forward for the return… being pushed, but oh! well… it is all part of riding versus caging on four wheels.       As I near Vallejo, or the sign at least, I saw a sign for the Raceway! Infineon… aka, the old “Sears Point”. Decided to check it out… Stopped at the gate, I was told that I could not go in as a group was getting ready for some weekend races… vintage car races. A smile and a white lie later… “but my dog and I came all the way from Florida to see this…”, a signature on the entry list… and we were in!      Just a few minutes he said… I am sure that he would have other things to do and not look for us too soon! And vintage cars there were… not only the cars but some real nice… big… luxurious RV’s, Motor Home… full size as big as a house trailers with shops inside… the “crème de la crop” it seemed like.       The gentleman that owns this Red Testarossa Ferrari, only 15 made… a 15 to 20 million Dollar value… (at least that is what I was told…) came to me and started talking about his sidecar! A Bonneville with a Velorex… just has not been able to get the alignment right yet, at the same time did not want any of the Sidecar Forum addresses and listen to any advice… oh! well, that’s fine… struggle my friend… learn it the hard way!

This red car, ND, was part of a big rig, including the little blue car, also a couple motorcycle, big Motor Home next to the truck pulling the trailer… The owner was busy checking under the hood… running around a bit. So many toys, such investment… As a semi joke, I asked him (I did not know at the time that he was the owner…) if “they’ need a Personal Chef… I am “they” he said… driver, mechanic, pit crew… and my son is the cook…Missed my opportunity there…    About an hour went by, I decided to leave before I get into some serious trouble in case they were looking for me. The races are Saturday and Sunday… I am thinking about it. I think it would be fun to cook for a Racing Team… might meet some interesting people.

About an hour went by, I decided to leave before I get into some serious trouble in case they were looking for me. The races are Saturday and Sunday… I am thinking about it. I think it would be fun to cook for a Racing Team… might meet some interesting people. On to 101 to pick up Novato Blvd, stopping at the Cheese Factory, not bad at all… except for the fact that they now have peppercorn… jalapeño… garlic… any flavor you name it… Brie! Sorry, I am purist, a Brie is a Brie is a Brie… Inexpensive sandwich, “plain” Brie and salami… Even Spirit liked some of it… bread only for him!    I had met Tony the day before in Locke and being that he also lived in Point Reyes, we met up for a ride to the Lighthouse. More than ever, broken down roads, ill patched… but with incredible sceneries. I keep asking myself about the “why” of those road conditions… I have never experienced such a disarray… I mean, this is California, a State… ahead (???) of them all… as I am told. What is the problem?…            Of course my cell phone does not work in Point Reyes… and I do not have enough change to dial Tony… but there he was, at the local gas station, looking for me… small town, and do not miss the bakery… I am not telling you!I really liked Point Reyes, many shops, Restaurants and Cafes… a friendly crowd… Seven months later, so many places that have appealed to me… with always the thought of coming back sometime in the future… maybe next week!   I have three weeks to get to Seattle… and I have been debating if I should leave now, explore the ways as I go up North, or just stay here, put in motions my plans for the Sierras and only then make a B line for Seattle… most likely the latter…    Great ride to the Lighthouse… I have to mention that it was a foggy, overcast… and at the same time bright day! A tough one for pictures… no blue skies… everything a bit misty and hazy… Isolated area, fresh cool air… but NO camping allowed… and… as I had also stopped at a Park previously on the way… NO DOGS allowed… we did have a nice walk around the parking lot!     Is your attention span still with me?… no worries… will continue this on the next Blog.You be well…It is already Friday!… again…Ara & Spirit A “DONATION”?… I have been asking if reading this BLOG is worth a dollar a month to you?… in the form of a yearly donation. Some think so and I thank them for helping the increasing posting costs… For those not using PayPal, here is my snail mail…Ara Gureghian853 Vanderbilt Beach Rd #245Naples Fl 34108

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