Archive for February, 2013

Flavors and Healings from this “Space”, TX

Monday, February 18th, 2013

Paragraphs of Daily Thoughts, some Mental Therapy and some reviews of our “well seasoned” Gear. Published Weekly or so.


“What we forget is that at the center of it all, there waits for us a sacred emptiness, a spaciousness, a stillness that renews and lets us remember who and what we are. But we cannot go around the ache- the grief or despair or doubt or hard knowledge- that lies between us and this sacred center. We have to go through it, be with it if we are to find the vastness of the Mystery. That we so often find ourselves aching for empty time, longing for a sense of spaciousness in our lives is a testament to our deep knowledge that living with an awareness of this sacred emptiness is a necessary part of living life fully.”
~ "Oriah Mountain Dreamer" from The Dance ~


All has been revolving around this vast Space. All so positive. I know now that I have reached the doors of this vastness of the Mystery. I have the keys. It is not describable as even if it was so, few would probably understand it as the path is of a different one traveled. I have been living long with such empty times, with such spaciousness reaching slowly this awareness not so present not so long ago. It is the soft step on the ground, the touch and caressing of the rocks, the trunks, the leaves, the feel of a fire keeping us warm and cooking our food so much needed, Spirit, the Love of my true Friends replicated, my Mother, Sunsets and Sunrises and the Moos and the Stars, all in a harmony undisturbed from past chartered Life’s Oceans. It is free and yet, there is a price to pay. So minute it is now that it holds it’s door open. It is a price one cannot afford so unfortunately throughout most years. It is being just you and Nature and all else coupled with a mutual understanding.

At the Farmer's Market-2 xxx

At the Farmer's Market xxx

It is soaring throughout the vastness surrounding us, feeling that wind as it is today with it’s cold hands hugging me and yet warming me up to a present unachieved earlier. It is looking up at a blue sky which suddenly transforms itself into it’s own shades of grays with a haze only blurring the vision and not the mind and the soul. The creosotes, the couple mesquite trees waving back and forth as a welcoming committee standing alone for themselves also having endured this temperamental
Desert, yet have dug their roots deep to remain who they are and even more topping themselves with a constant growth just as myself has done.

At the Farmer's Market-9 xxx

At the Farmer's Market-6 xxx

At the Farmer's Market-8 xxx

At the Farmer's Market-7 xxx

At the Farmer's Market-5 xxx

Enchanted Violin from Michelle and guitar from Mike.

How strange it is to find one’s self suddenly so planted. I know how I got here but never knew I would arrive. Not this far. And Life goes on. There is a fervor, an anticipation as the pieces of such a giant puzzle have connected so now I can see the path so clearly. This Island in this Desert must have the cure for it all. Day after day patience and perseverance has moved me forward even if set backs have been present as I know will be again but fueled by so much more knowledge of the grasp of it all. I am so truly amazed, I am wanting to scream and share it all.


Quite an evening at “La Kiva”



The Porch xxx

Music on the Porch-6 xxx

At the Farmer's Market-14 xxx

Dog xxx

Dog-3 xxx

We have not gone anywhere this week. So unlike us. Anywhere as "off the roads". The desire has been there every day, something held me back almost as savoring an incredible meal not ever wanting it to end. Maybe it was the not wanting to break up the continuous train of thoughts I had all week. I have been asked if I get bored. How can I when surrounded with such Peacefulness and also the knowledge that very soon we will be headed North and will cease stepping on these grounds for months at the time while our tent will keep on moving and set up in yet unknown spaces. This time around Utah will be first. I miss Valley of the Gods and it’s surroundings. It calls it’s invitation as it has in the past. It’s majestic Sunrises and Sunsets. It’s horizons broken up with it’s peaks. 

Music on the Porch-5 xxx

Music on the Porch xxx

Another one of those afternoon on the Porch

We have however gone to Terlingua a couple times. The little town is as transformed with buzzing activities. A Play, the Farmer’s Market, Classical Music and more visitors and instruments on the Porch than ever. Everyone has a smile on their face, even the ones that have driven 10 hours or so to get here for only a couple of days. "Stay" I tell them… "Live"… Easy to say. I also met others that "thought" were passing through and now have been here for over a month. "Tomorrow" they say, "we are leaving… tomorrow". I know it will not happen for those free Spirits that have climbed a while back into their vehicles with a resemblance of a route and a not a well thought "schedule" which vanishes by the day. Makes me smile. They get it.

Dace Sultanov

Treated with some of the finest Classical Music at “La Kiva” in “The Cave”.


All about our Gear

Our cooking stove, the Primus Ti5

One of the main ingredient in our lives. The ability to cook and I do not use wood all the time. Personally, and that is just me, I never quite understood the concept of the propane bottles sold at an exorbitant price with also the need after their short lived life to be disposed off. I have witnessed the scenario with others when extending their camping trip but, no more cooking ability. I have always used multi fuel and a must “adjustable flame” stoves. When my MSR Dragon Fly was stolen, Primus was kind enough when hearing about it to send me their top of the line Ti5. “Ti” meaning titanium, including their 1.8l pan with heat exchanger which made me so totally change my timing being of a much faster cooking. Meaning, saving even more fuel. 

Primus Ti5 

I like it when something arrives neatly packed as it will remain as such. I really like the pouch which holds the folded stove, a small fuel bottle [I carry larger ones also for refill with a total of about near one Gallon which I can buy in one purchase], the wind screens, the maintenance tool with two extra jets and instructions, even a small tube of silicone grease. All has still remained as such.

Primus Ti5-2 xxx

Primus Ti5-7 xxx

Primus Ti5-9 xxx

The extra jets are for when in use with propane [yes, those little pesky bottles], gasoline/petrol, diesel and even kerosene/paraffin or aviation fuel. Very handy and a very low cost usage. It folds out easily, there is no fumbling around, it is lit in about 40 seconds and ready to go.

Primus Ti5-3 xxx

Unlike other stoves if hanging around the campsite for a few days, I don’t have to turn it off. Just tilt the bottle upside down as a valve shuts the flow of fuel. Very clearly marked on the bottle, I really also like that feature.

Primus Ti5-5 xxx


Primus Ti5-6 xxx


So, it is just a stove. I yet have to find a disadvantage to it or a change of design. The video below which I made for fun including Russian Music shows the larger bottles I carry. I say “I” because Spirit’s food “CANIDAE” is ready to go. Lucky guy, no cooking required even though honestly I have much fun cooking my “One~Pan” meals which might be my next subject. 
    Cooking smilie 

Fun with the camera and a balancing act with the tripod.

I think my Calendars have seen better days. Maybe start thinking about 2014? Either way, they are still available at
Lulu in two designs. All with Photography taken these past 6 or so years.

Calendar Nature

Spirit Calendar

Photos on the Smugmug Galleries

Stay well,
              Ara and Spirit