Charleston, SC

Friday, February 15th, 2008


Tuesday night rained and rained non stop, the forecast was of dark clouds with the promise of it all clearing by the afternoon the same day. Close enough, a bit off by 24 hrs, but we did not catch a single drop and I always think that clouds also make for some great pictures… different anyhow! As you know our plans are always meant to be broken in our planned/unplanned Journey. The thought was to spend the night in Charleston giving us a bit more time the next day, but with my mother not willing to go, having to find a motel room outside of the Historical area unless paying a minimum of $150 for the night… we returned the same day, pulling in back around nine o’clock, a nice 300 mile round trip. A bit crammed of a day for us, considering we also "had" to stop in Bluffton for some Oysters for breakfast…

Oyster breakfast  

Oyster House 

Yes, that is the way I am used to eating Oysters, lemon juice is fine also, why ruin a good thing! They were fresh, packaged that morning and I am already thinking about maybe returning to get a half bushel, sit by the beach and start chucking them myself… my mother? She will not eat them, actually does not want to look at them… Much fish in the store also, more shrimp you can imagine, nice size and all local. It is at the end of Warf street by the way just in case you are in Bluffton, right before the Bluffton BBQ joint we stopped at last week… which unfortunately was closed yesterday. Oysters and Ribs for breakfast, that would have been too good to be true.

Shrimp boat


Taking similar roads we had ridden before we then headed toward Charleston. A city which amazed me, the Historical part anyhow. I truly wish we could have spend more time as its History, going back to 1670, itself would take days on to read. Better than I can write there is much information here. The restoration is what amazed me and I was lucky to be speaking with a professional restorer while parked and taking pictures. Down to the mortar used, one cannot start any repair until approval of the Charleston Historical Society… door knobs, handles, wood used… all has to be original for the era when it was built! Now that is accuracy… and I am sure very costly.

double open bridges

This open double bridge welcomed us, nice to stop for a while and walk around a bit even if the drivers are wondering what we are doing… or maybe what we will we do! We needed the ride as we have been driving the rental for these past few days. Riding has always been the path for meditation and deep thoughts, an adjustment of Life enabling me to put all the pieces back together as well as possible. An experience hard to describe as one just needs to "do it" themselves. It is freedom, a direct feel with the surroundings and the conditions present without a barrier to be sheltered within.



We stopped at the southern tip, Charleston Bay, of the City where the cannons now plugged with mortar had only a visual purpose defending the City, admired by the tourists and the carriages drawn by horses circling the present park. The first map dates from 1671, a few paths of dirt roads leading to the water, a contrast with the city that took shape with its network of planned streets as early as 1885.

cannon 1  
Charleston Bay Charleston Bay 1

We saw guides giving walking tours, this town is filled with History, well documented which also can be found at the Museum, as I mentioned earlier, this visit could have lasted for days. Maybe next time when we come back to the East Coast… some day!


boardwalk 2

A little further down was the "Rainbow Row" of houses which I really liked, just one of the interesting features of the neighborhood. A few blocks away, King St is the "nice shops and restaurant" street, with many Galleries, names such as Ralph Lauren… a mini Rodeo Drive seemed liked with the nice cars parked in front of them and of course "us" also! The highlight of the day however had to be the "Three Dog Bakery" with its array of Treats and Cakes fit for human consumption!… which you will see next time. You will not believe your eyes! Same with the restored Bed and Breakfasts and beautiful gardens and oak trees lining up the streets…

rainbow row 3

Rainbow row 1  

Rainbow row 2

Our stay is coming to an end here, 4 more days and we will return to Atlanta… hoping that it will be a bit warmer than the last time just about a month ago. This country is so huge with so much to see as Charleston reminded me. We can only take it one day at the time and be content with what seen hoping that the years to come will be generous to us. A peak of the Bakery!…

Bakery 3


Till next time…

"Spirited Doggie Treats" and "Art Cards"…. Dogs cannot live of Love and food alone… they need treats, they like treats… we know! Put Spirit to work!

We are always under deep appreciation toward the readers that have send in a contribution helping this website’s expenditures. For those who have not, continue enjoying the site, pictures, recipes, and if you feel it’s worth $1 a month, the contribution button is above, snail mail is below…

Ara Gureghian   853 Vanderbilt Beach Rd #245   Naples, Fl 34108

You be well…. Ara & Spirit

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