Reenactment, part II, GA

Tuesday, February 5th, 2008

My mother and I took a ride (drive!) to St Simon Island yesterday, I felt as I was back in Florida, Naples to be exact where I spend many winters working for the wealthy… I will write about it next time as in the meantime these are some of the final pictures of the great day we had Saturday at the 10th Annual Colonial Faire and Muster.

British 3

As Mike Justice told us while chatting, this is like stepping a couple centuries back, down to the minute details. How can one not take many pictures? It was the first time that I had just about filled the camera memory card! The weather cooperated, the temperatures were mild, dogs allowed… after all… they were also allowed 275 years ago, it was such a fine day. A Colonial Village had been set up, Larry the Blacksmith and the spoon maker, which you saw the last time, were busy demonstrating their skills, as was this beautiful baby, Rachel… also dressed for the occasion.

baby blue eyes Rachel

Incredible blue eyes which the camera did not even make justice. The Colonial Village was set up not too far from the ruins of the original Plantation building, not much left of it. There was a another little cabin in proximity, and its structure reminded me of the Luna’s Jackal that we visited in Big Bend… many miles away, different times but same thought!

plantation 1 plantation 3


I was thinking about the fact that this would be such a great hobby! Specially when traveling… and being present at the many reenactments throughout the country, as Mike and his family did, just driving in on their own and walking around as if time suddenly took a step back!

N Indian  

Troops 1

An error last time, the riffles are really called Muskets… throughout the day, there was no lack of firing them… very orderly procedure, ordered one step at the time… everything has come such a long way in 275 years!

BW firing 1 BW firing 2

riffles 1

The highlight of the day was always the canon firing. I should have wore my earplugs while taking the pictures as the camera quite often could not help shake from the moving sound waves. Again, each step ordered one at the time for each 3lb cannon, the one of the left and the 6lb cannon on the right.

3lb canon 6lb canon

The continuous smoke, as you can imagine how much of it is generated when hundreds of soldiers would advance, was the reason for the bright colors of their uniforms… as not to mistakenly shoot the wrong guy. Very inaccurate weapons, the victories were based more on strategies and mainly numbers than anything else… rough conditions, fighting also the cold, the heat and mosquitoes, one bath a month if lucky and water was available… noting like today’s standards.

canon firing 1  

canon firing 2

canon firing 3  

canon firing 4

The pictures are in their firing sequence. I think this will do for that day… I have many more pictures but the most pertinent ones have been posted. The weather here is getting warm, in the 70’s today and much fog which will burn out later on the day. As much as we are enjoying it here, so much looking forward to heading back West… soon… mainly Moab. The vast empty spaces, riding the dirt roads, no traffic… you know what I mean.

canon ammunition  

mother and daughter

Till next time…

"Spirited Doggie Treats" and "Art Cards"…. Dogs cannot live of Love and food alone… they need treats, they like treats… we know! Put Spirit to work!

We are always under deep appreciation toward the readers that have send in a contribution helping this website’s expenditures. For those who have not, continue enjoying the site, pictures, recipes, and if you feel it’s worth $1 a month, the contribution button is above, snail mail is below…

Ara Gureghian   853 Vanderbilt Beach Rd #245   Naples, Fl 34108

You be well…. Ara & Spirit

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