Mission San Xavier on New Year’s Day. AZ

Sunday, January 2nd, 2011

"Your imagination is your preview to life’s coming attractions." ~ Albert Einstein ~

If you were to create an ideal future for yourself, what would it be like? All things that now exist in form were once simply ideas in consciousness. We each hold the power to manifest different circumstances for our lives. If we wish to manifest a new reality for ourselves, we need to consistently focus our imagination on the ideals we seek to realize. Remember to explore your ideal in terms of qualities, not people or things. What qualities do you most want in life? Freedom? Respect? Playfulness? Abundance? Whatever qualities you seek, imagine experiencing them now and be open to new ways to discover those qualities appearing in your life.

"Change is created by those whose imaginations are bigger than their circumstances"

Misssion San Xavier

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It was a fitting day for Robin and I to visit the Mission San Xavier on this New Year’s Day. The outdoors with all of it’s complexities of landscapes and incessant movements felt are too often the sources of my well being, they are the cathedrals of my thoughts, they are my connections on this path of ours, the sanctuary within our isolation when seeked to regain a balance at times off kilter, yet such dwellings as the Mission standing itself free since 1797 gives me the aspiration of a different closeness to Life throughout moments when sitting on a bench as many have previously before. It was a stream of visitors as us, everyone pleasant on this new day of this New Year, blue skies welcoming us since the awaken moments, it was another perfect day thankful for being, thankful for every single aspect surrounding us as it should be. 

Mission San Xavier

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I believe it is “popular belief” for many to consider always the New Year milestone as a “mile marker one” over and over as the big number on the Calendar changes perpetually. For myself I try to consider a “New Year” more as a daily occurrence if the context was going to be so understood. Why waste a single moment in this Life of ours since understood now of it not being a rehearsal but the real daily show we move through with much mind and soul. The experiences, the lessons, the realizations are accrued as we let them in on this pathway never ceasing it’s incoming traffic. We can live for the “now” and yet our imagination can run ahead of us, at times even “run wild” as the expression goes. They form the future, they shape the incoming days, they are the constant foundations of our projections as we even squirm at times as the dwelling forming maybe do not meet our expectations, such expectations I cannot fathom as, regardless, Life will provide me with only what is fair and willing. We can only try, the choices can only be taken, the reality of it all is however always in the shadows never making their own presence until “that moment”.

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My own milestone even as I do not want to distract myself from the above words is today onto number 7. Lance’s passing away was as the stage suddenly not only moved on to form a new uninvited landscape but went on ahead to turn it upside down, flip me over and scramble everything build up for 55 years getting suddenly lost in the rumbles of emotions I sometimes cannot even remember it’s intensity. I am thankful to be here “now” as I remember so many times I was not. Rebuild, grow on, yet patching was not going to make a dent within the present scaffoldings, it was always more of a matter of digging the painful grounds deeper than ever, sometimes too often falling into it’s abyss, even at times wondering if I would again ever find the courage to hang on to it’s walls and again bring myself up to lay those bricks one at the time, not two or more, only one at the time as time itself was so needed as I took and have taken “that time” as the priority of my recent past and present and will be future Life ahead.

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Today my imagination blends in with the present. Four years and more of the sights taken in are stored in memories, in words and photos on these past pages, and now more than ever hungry for more… and more!!! The unknown of the future today imaginary carved path in itself is an amazing thought. The past landscapes are playing incessantly, I cannot think of their clouds of dust, cliffs dropping on one side or the other, sometimes both, the stalls when the surface of it all becomes lined with the obstacles sometimes a bit too challenging, the sunsets and sunrises leaving little time for sleep, the smell of the coffee in those mornings so sweet to the senses while Mother Time vanishes from any present thoughts, the familiar sound of Spirit sniffing the immediate real estate surrounding us, the cozy shelter we have, this green tent which has changed our “fashion” of living on the road, so much more as today “winter” reminds me that Life itself has it’s own brakes to slow us down, I know all for the right reasons.
Wishing on all a Healthy and Happy New Year for the present and ahead Days…

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Ara & Spirit

Be Safe and well
Peace, Love, Courage

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The Red Heart

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5 Responses to “Mission San Xavier on New Year’s Day. AZ”

  1. D. Brent Miller Says:

    And a Happy New Year to you, Ara. Yes, 2011 holds a lot of promise if we are only able to grab the brass ring. Be well, my friend.

  2. Lyle Says:

    Here’s wishing you a very happy and healthy new year, too, Ara and Spirit!

  3. The Kitchen Masochist Says:

    Hi, I just wanted to say that I love both your writing and photography.

    Happy new you to you and Spirit.


  4. john Says:

    Hi Ara, Happy
    new years to you and Spirit.Full- timing in California now, I hope to meet you someday, love and good warm winds towards your safe travels. John. boston.

  5. texascindy Says:

    Couldn’t help but see a common thread in a couple of pics. In the one looking upwards inside a man-made cathedral and the one just after it looking skyward towards God’s cathedral. Nice!
    Hope you are mending quickly!

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