Archive for 2013

I am here, but truly “there”, TX

Sunday, November 3rd, 2013

Writing our book spanning 7 years on the road takes me to those past times when the future was so uncertain. As it is today. We never know the day before that day. The contents of this Journal are of the now when writing such a book.

Sunset-3 xxx

“In Nature we never see anything isolated, but everything in connection with something else which is before it, besides it, under it and over it.”
~ Goethe ~

Sunset xxx

Photo added to Smugmug gallery

The sun today did not show up, and it was another day of writing while the generator kicked in to supply the much needed power. I am past our first year on the road, and my mental state of mind in this very now present is a bit of a wreck from a past now. I am so not here but there. Transporting myself back has been draining. At the same time, this aspect of these past days has been fulfilling. Nothing quite like getting to know yourself, and remembering sometimes too many instances when not quite on the right path or frame of mind. Very much as going over the lessons learned.

The Broom Shop xxx

The Broom Shop ~ Ron Cox xxx

I have been asked “so why are you doing this?”. I find it interesting to myself read over so many details I had forgotten, but mainly it is a personal challenge. One of them being shrinking the volume of close to 1000 entries into maybe what will turn out to be 300 pages. Witnessing my own times while emerging from the pain of having lost Lance, and this sometimes crazy idea that living on the road, with Mother Nature as our mistress, would heal some of the wounds. As it has, in a matter of speaking, as now it has been again while starting over after my Mother passed away.

The Broom Shop-12 xxx

The Broom Shop-6 xxx

The Broom Shop-5 xxx

I find it so amazing how different we all are, how each of us handle the same situation within us with such distinct ramifications. From some whose feels are worse than mine, to others who simply, I find in an ill mannered, express themselves saying, hearing it painfully I might add, “get over it…”. They find it a must to wear a different face separated from the true one they carry. Such complexities between us, from one human being to the other, none ever the same, none right or wrong. All just are.

The Broom Shop-19 xxx

The Broom Shop-13 xxx

Reading my own past pages I find so much has changed, as yet the common denominator of this force taking me forward has not. It is the stage of Mother Nature, my only character, besides Spirit, in this lengthy play which has supported me day in and day out with her palette of colors, feelings and visions so kindly shared, and never drying out. It is almost as she is the strong one who does not live amongst us, but above us, so indifferent from all the battling and the rage I sometimes read when I stumble on some news. She seems to be the one, and is, the only one who understands as I try to also, that none matters in the big picture of life, in the big scheme of things, as the expression goes.

The Broom Shop-8 xxx

Her message has always been so clear to me as much as she can be at times so devastating towards our surroundings. It is always one of peace, of unity, integrity, solidarity, a wholesomeness that has stood always in front of me. It is as she watches us humans divided and battling for values which really should be the same even if of different flavors, only interpreted in different fashions. Worthless efforts as our greed some day, one day, will get us all, under her constant eyes as her path will not change.

The Broom Shop-17 xxx

The Broom Shop-16 xxx

The Broom Shop-15 xxx

The Broom Shop-14 xxx

Her canvas has been our guide. How much more could she give us? She tries so hard and so ironically as under her watchful eyes, us human as little ants, seem to be only mishandling a plain and simple word called life. It is truly amazing as I too often wonder where this darkness that propel so many has come from? We will never possess her palette to ourselves paint a reality which is unreal, which is one so many want to project for their own benefit, for their own 15 seconds of fame which has now, considering the speed we live with, has dropped from the 15 minutes.

The Broom Shop-3 xxx

The Broom Shop-18 xxx

The Broom Shop-20 xxx

The address of the shop is
          401 State
          Ft Davis
          TX, 79734

Their Phone number is 432 426 3297. He mails brooms every day!

The Broom Shop-21 xxx

I am enjoying our solitude here at The Oasis. We don’t have to cross any waters to get off this Island, which we do at times, yet, it feels as such. Yesterday was the celebration of the “Day of the Dead” in Terlingua, and for the first time we did not attend. I was not in the mood for crowds and I have here my own little cemetery where I go to sit and talk with my own departed family. I felt that the truer times spend would be here versus amongst other hundreds gathered more for social reasons than anything else.

Solar Oven

Sirloin tip roast cooked in the Solar Oven. Before and after. Roast, rice, peppers, water, apricots, raisins, dates, curry, onions, blanched almonds and parsley with a bit of water.

We did take a ride on a windy day to Ft Davis to see our friend Ron, the Broom Maker. Yes, there is still someone making brooms! His wife Marcha was not there, I am sure we will also see her later on the season at some point. Ron was building a new broom making machine from parts obtainable in a hardware store as he is now giving classes to teach others. His own machine is 175 years old, not one easily obtainable by his students. Always an interesting visit, much conversations about life itself as them also have been through and are still going through the doors of this school of life.

Visiting the Broom Maker in Ft Davis, Texas.

Well, back to the book. A few more chapters today on this cloudy day, a perfect setting to do as such.

Stay well, Ara and Spirit. 

No you'r not!  

       From the year 2007