Archive for July, 2012

We are still here! Brooks Lake. WY

Monday, July 2nd, 2012

“My  Personal Daily Therapy, published Weekly or so…”

"I would rather be ashes than dust! I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry rot. I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet. The proper function of man/woman is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time."
~ Jack London ~

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“Ray Charles” and “Van Morrison”… “Crazy Love”. Enjoy! Good Music to my ears.


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A good Friend of mine wrote in a comment "you have found serenity". Yes, we have and when such space is found I find myself choking a bit. Is it that important to let go of it all and take this avenue sometimes a bit narrow and demanding? It is. It is when I witness the "musts" of the urban path not from any wrong doings but from the incessant barrage of obstacles one has to surmount. Tensions rising, tantrums thrown toward even loved ones as if the human body suddenly had blown it’s lid. Patience seems to vanish replaced by the immediate wants, more "musts", all deriving from a tornado like objects of the mind however spinning too fast.

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What a Gift Lance has given me. I know I write about it as such often, but this is my Journal, it is my therapy for this trade off which took place in these years past. I miss my previous years as no one could imagine. I would trade back in a heart beat. Yet, it is the realization present that for now such cannot happen. Maybe some day. No one knows or could tell the story as what a story it would be! I am watching this glorious sunset, a beautiful lake is ahead of me, my buddy is next to me, the smell of the pine trees are penetrating, the birds are happy, I am in good health, I have wonderful Friends, what more could I today in this reality with my acceptance being a must could I wish for?

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I really do not write "ride reports". I let the photos unravel that aspect. But today I will because I made an effort to please myself. We started by leaving Old Faithful behind after a "stay well" tap and we jumped in the comfort of Sherpa toward Dubois. A nice $5 shower (.50 cents a minute), a bit of e mail browsing and replying while having the luxury of Wi-Fi, then came lunch and I treated myself to a blue cheese organic burger with sweet potato fries. Horse Creek road, about 30 miles of an unpaved path took us then over the Mountain and down to a beautiful, incredible meadow by the river called " Double Cabins". What a sight. We will be going there soon, again. In that middle of not nowhere but in that middle of everywhere. Back to Brooks Lake, dinner was almost half of a BBQ Chicken bought earlier vacuum sealed at the local butcher. I am picky about BBQ. This was perfect and more. Build in 1904 I need to go back and see if he will let me take some photos inside. The tent is zipped up, it is colder today. Today is my Birthday. I just turned 64. Please do not call me an old man. I already know I am.

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Every year that goes by I never wonder if I will make to the next one as "what will be will be". I only tell myself "wow… that is a lot of years". I started thinking about the variable and the invariables of Life. Not many invariables, is there? The Love of Parents, Family, Pets, Friends, the ones that remain on this train for the true duration. Everything else changes seemingly. Everything as we must adapt to such changes. The only trues invariable I found present is the landscape I face daily. Mother Nature as even though has so many faces always remains invariable to the senses. Pretty amazing I found to come to such conclusion.

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It is cool today, was last night as I stayed up pretty late thinking about this special day which transported me throughout the moments of an even more special day, Lance’s Birth. That little ball of flesh and blood, mine and his Mother’s, of course screaming. A minute old, then a few, then an hour and on days keeping us awake all night as myself at the time could only think about the fragility of this baby when it made any sort of a strange noise. I was not aware such fragility could take away some day a young man of 26 and vanish him the same way as he had appeared. At least we had those few years, those joyful moments as I never ceased thinking whenever my eyes fell on him what a miracle it was to create such a Child.

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And now, here I am, my own parent’s miracle, my Mother’s anyhow as my Father has passed away many years ago. Still here with Life so changed forever. We are not going anywhere today. Got up late, a little bit of hiking in the neighborhood hills as I am getting used to this 9000 feet altitude, some reading and some pondering maybe. Just being in this cool weather I feel fortunate having found when I read Friend’s notes that they are boiling with 100 and more degree temperatures. Why move? I can even still find some snow not too far from here, heat it up and use it to wash my.pans while saving our drinking water.

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More back roads and trails these days. I feel the weekend as nice as this spot is, this little piece of ground containing us is. I know Fourth of July is right around the corner as even here, maybe "specially here", the woods and the hills are getting populated with vehicles going around and around themselves looking for their own open space. It does not seem as we ever get far away enough. Some roads we cannot handle. Yet. This too will change soon as we will have the ability to get "there", a little further, a little more away from it all. Soon.

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In my effort to stay on the road “we” now have a T Shirt and Merchandise store. I think you will like it. “SpiritedOasis”
“Smugmug” for Photos and Digital downloads.
The recipes are on the “One~Pan Recipe”
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Follow the link. Justin is truly the one that allows you to enjoy this Journal and it’s peripheral pages.
We both appreciate your support and hoping we are giving something back.

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Be well, always.

Ara and Spirit