Archive for 2011

And another Sunday in and around Terlingua, TX

Friday, December 9th, 2011

“You are wise men indeed, listening to Mother Nature, listening to your body and enjoying friends. Just think, our rush-rush modern lifestyle is a mere blip in the history of humanity. Our ancestors took a rest when the winter solstice approached and took comfort from each other, wondered and marveled together at the earth, sun and stars. Perhaps that’s what’s missing in our modern lifestyle, and you are finding it again and sharing it with us.” ~ A Friend and a Reader “Zelda” ~

Rare are the ones expressing themselves such as “Gato Barbieri”. I love his Music, this is
“Earth Cry Heaven’s Smile” from his Album “Europa”. (1976)


in the Park-12 xxx

I still remember arriving in San Antonio around 5 years ago this time as someone had pointed out this green blob on the map called "Big Bend". What is that? I asked. Texas to me was the big State one only went through taking Highway 10, in and out, no questions asked. A rest area or two to stretch, much fuel to cross it. How ignorant I was. "Old Faithful" was still kind of shiny, rust spots where not yet present, Spirit, well, Spirit really has not changed that much besides being now a grumpy old man at times and still today jumping and running like his regular self title "clown"… and the stubborn Buddy that he is, yet, always ready to please with so much care of a Golden Heart. I fell in Love with this space, the Park till today drops her veil of Spirituality when I enter and roam it’s land.


A December ride through Big Bend National Park


It is winter upon us and again we are here. Deeper rooted than ever, more in Love with this land by the day and adding the many new Friends and acquaintances by the week in Terlingua. I will use the word "Home"… I feel at "Home". An amazing concept which has been waiting for us throughout this path of years past. I even feel sad at times thinking we can never come here in summer times, we could not take such heat. This has become "ground zero". The thoughts of going are always present, it is an addiction I am well versed upon, the insatiable thirst for the road, but again, present times of the year holds me back. More or less. We stumbled upon the Porch on another Sunday afternoon, it is I think becoming a habit even if this time around, one more time, it was by pure Karma, events that lead us there.

in the Park-10 xxx

in the Park-15

We started for the Park, I always have a certain destination thinking. This time was going to be Marathon to Alpine and back here. This is the second time we don’t make it and I am taking this as a sign as to why have a destination? Away from here we generally do not. Why start now? We went thought the Park, always a nice ride on the deserted roads as few are around this time of the year, we made it through the "other side" exit gate and suddenly staring at me the dark clouds told me to turn around. Destination can make one loose the spice of the Journey is filled with, bland the flavor can become as the moments escape thinking of only the ones for when we arrive. 

in the Park xxx

in the Park-7

in the Park-4 xxx

Still early, I started imagining the $1 Tacos at the Starlight Theater Restaurant, tasty, good company, a ready dinner for less than I would spend on cooking. We did make that left turn. Big crowd gathered, Halloween was over and yet it was that atmosphere that prevailed added with a multitude of bicycles. Of course I thought, I had read it somewhere, the "crazy bicycle race" was ending by the Porch. More Musicians than the Sunday before where also gathered in the shade as Terlingua has it’s own weather. No dark clouds, only a few white puffs here and there and heat. What a good time it was. Just a plain good time!


On another Sunday afternoon on the Porch in Terlingua


Not writing much lately. Thinking more. We are right now half way to Austin parked in Del Rio for the night. A Motel Room, cheap and depressing. Four walls, a TV (???) and that is about it. Luxury is the shower… hot water… The bed is not even comfortable, might get my sleeping bag out for the floor if I want to sleep on THAT floor. Riding East… Thoughts of not stopping came upon me. We are only still in Texas, there are more States ahead of us. Just in time to realize that I do not have my camping gear with me, no cooking gear either meaning not even my coffee which I think is going to be a mistake… a big one. I already know that.

The Porch-2 xxx

The Porch-8

The Porch-9

Winter months are so different when Mother Nature throws us those low temperatures as I keep thinking, there has to be something we can wear to not feel the cold at all. I know there is. Today was leather pants with two layers of Merino wool bottoms, one long sleeve polyester T shirt topped by another Merino wool long sleeve, heated Gerbings, a thin windproof and breathable layer and finally my riding jacket with a fleece turtle neck "thing". I almost strangled myself at first riding with the zippers all the way up my chin, was carried away covering every square inch of my body only to go through Marathon and start burning up. I think I chose a good time for this road trip, nowhere as bad as the predictions of "they said".

At The Porch


A tease of a song….


Yes, Winter Months are so different as again that thought crosses my mind this morning while still dark sipping on some not even passable coffee, but coffee, and glancing at "Old Faithful" sitting calmly in the cold. Cars are surrounding her and I wonder why do I have to be so different? Why could I not be like everyone else, dressed as everyone else, open a door, turn on a key, heater will come on and on we will go. The spark of yesterday’s ride played in fast forward as I remembered the feeling, the feeling I wished then and hope for everyone to experience. Even if only once. Open air, wind blowing, no constrains, a bit as flying on the road, seeing and feeling the true surroundings, seeing some more, the Soul elevated as no pains and aches no more present replaced by an euphoria unlike any other. No trade here, this is what it is all about… "riding" and the “freedom” of the road.

in the Park-14 xxx

Till next time… enjoy.

Take a look at my Photo Galleries. “Smugmug” stands for quality. The “One-Pan” Recipe store. Trying to share the Passion and keeping fuel in the tank… Thank you.

Be well, Ara and Spirit

in the Park-6