Archive for May, 2011

On our way South, for now. NV

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2011

"Travel brings power and love back into your life."  ~ Rumi ~

incoming fog-2

Only traces of subtle bands of clouds here and there are this morning lining up the blue skies as the sun is warming up my back. There is an engine roar in the background, Herb, also the local Fire Chief for Gold Point, has fired up one of the fire trucks. They are all in working order, filled with water which is actually for this Ghost Town pipelined from 12 miles away. This project was finished in 1995. 12 miles! There yet is a chill in the air penetrating three layers of clothing, I am being too lazy dressing up more, all will come off soon. It is still early.

Gold Point's Fire Trucks-2

Gold Point's Fire Trucks-3 Gold Point's Fire Trucks-4

Gold Point's Fire Trucks

There were a couple guests last night and Herb served dinner. Brainless decision to attend. Great food topped by a plate of soft brownies themselves covered with home made ice cream, vanilla and chocolate, yes, I had it all while continuing listening to this new education about mines and claims, about ore and gold and silver, adventures into deep underground shafts, everything I knew nothing about. What a treat. Travel slow and you will also come upon such Treasures.

Gold Point's Fire Trucks-12

Gold Point's Fire Trucks-7

Gold Point's Fire Trucks-14 Gold Point's Fire Trucks-15
Gold Point's Fire Trucks-13 Gold Point's Fire Trucks-16

Gold Point's Fire Trucks-18

On for another ride today. The roads are very nicely graded here. The off shoots are not, we avoid those. There is a Castle being built a few miles away but the owner is away for a couple of weeks. I understand the interior of it is a must to be seen. I might be able to only see the outside keeping that visit in mind for another time as we will be back. Empty cabins from past years are lining up the roads, mine shafts are everywhere, some open with barely a "cautious open mine" signs, some boarded up amongst standing up poles out of the ground marking the 20 acre claims of many here.

Stateline Cabin-13

The road to Hard Luck Castle-2

The road to Hard Luck Castle-15

The road to Hard Luck Castle-10 The road to Hard Luck Castle-11

I feel at a stand still this morning. A balance has been achieved. It is time to move on. I feel grounded. Somewhere at a bit lower elevation for warmer temperatures. Not too hot, not too cold as it has been here these past few days. I will need to look up the map, I am sure a name will jump up. It is too early yet to move on north. Probably Utah soon though. Escalante and Boulder area, Long Canyon, Burr trail, all are calling for a stay I know I will experience with different senses than 3 years ago. I think it has been 3 years. We were in Valley of the Gods last year at this time. I always remember it because they fly the balloons on the last weekend of April. They flew so briefly the past couple of years, too much wind. A nice group of people with always a big food buffet on Sunday. Maybe next year, we just cannot be in more than one place at the time.

Gold Point-61

The road to Hard Luck Castle-12

Gold Point-59

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incoming fog

Ara & Spirit

Be Safe and well
Peace, Love, Courage

2 hearts