Archive for March, 2011

“Columbus Furlong Day” N.M.

Thursday, March 17th, 2011

“Remember that happiness is a way of travel, not a destination.” ~ Roy M. Goodman ~

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"Columbus Furlong Day" has now past, the memories linger, the photos are still present, it was a great memorable day. There are Parades in many towns and villages, there are dances and singers on the main squares often, vendors, children playing, and yet Saturday was so much more. From both sides of the border they came on horses, they met and together rode into town, all flags under one, the flag of "Friendship". There is much History to this day when Pancho Villa himself crossed the border in 1916.

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It is that Friendship which this day has taken the borders down. Just a coincidence for us being there. Karma brought us to this town I had passed through a couple times only to stop and fuel. How nice, of course much of a naive thought, if it would be as such for the World’s borders. I wandered around all day, ate the free food, authentic fajitas with all the trimmings, such trimmings brought in by the many local families at their own expense. Watched the many that had dressed up the part, and felt the part. Watched the kids foam sprayed each other while the adults watching and deep down wishing still being a child and wanting to play as such. I know I did.

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“Pancho Villa” himself stopped for a photo…

I think today the photos will speak for themselves… the road has not given me much opportunity to write, the cameras have been however on overtime.

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Columbus Furlong Day

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My favorite. What face!

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“Fajitas for 1000!… the real deal.”

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1916 Four Wheel drive…

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"I have had a great deal of interest in my photography over the years, for which I am grateful. Their sales are of much importance funding this Journal. Yes, please feel free to purchase one or two… or a few. I have been adding some photos lately, there will be more as I sift through about 100,000 of them. My “Zen Gallery” is an easy one to navigate on. Take a look. For merchandise also “Smugmug” stands for quality. For contributions to defer the always rising Internet costs please use the toolbar above.”

Ara & Spirit

Heart B

Be Safe and well
Peace, Love, Courage