Archive for February, 2011

On and around Valentines Day… TX

Wednesday, February 16th, 2011

“Loving is not just looking at each other, it’s looking in the same direction.”  ~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Wind, Sand, and Stars, 1939 ~

A morning cloud

I remember writing not too long ago about the commercialism of Valentines Day. Maybe it was a comment on Facebook. I then realized it is these days with any Holiday event, such a turn off when loosing the true meaning of days which long ago where “special ones”. Valentine’s Day use to be, was in France anyhow when growing up, “the Day” for couples only, couples in Love, it was Cupid’s Day, the symbol of that special Love. Lovers went into to the fields, had picnics on the lush then green fields, picked this flower for each other representing that day, it is called “mugget”.  I cannot find the English translation, it is a flower with beautiful like white bells hanging and yellow pistils. I remember those days, I was one of them till also as then at a such young age tragedy struck and my girl friend of 5 years passed away, also from cancer, she was 19, I was 21. Life went on. Roughly, but went on, it was the first chapter of many lessons yet to come.

Aqua Frian Rd

Never in my wildest dreams I imagined myself awaiting as I am now, that day to be celebrated this year, 41 years later, with such a beautiful kindred spirit, my Valentine “Robin”. Within the darkest past moments, in the bowls of past times when lost and submerged deep down into the sea of Life, this is the proof, the reality, the will which makes me realize that such can happen. “Never give up” has been the biggest chapter of these past years and even if at times taking a step or two backwards, the forward motion has been more than present. More than ever today. It is a Gift.

Fire ring

Bread..._ Chicken-2

It is Sunday morning, or maybe getting close to noon, and I feel as a kid on a first date. I am tracking Robin on her own SPOT, the progress is bringing her closer and closer. Live and in real time. I feel as being in one of those Western Movies when all is being cleaned up, the fences repaired, the cattle moved around, the firewood stacked up and much cooking going on. But there is no cattle here, there are no fences, there is cooking going on and as much as we live in dust, there is cleaning taking place. Just because. Only moving it from one place to another, it gives me a sense of preparation toward a special welcome this afternoon. Isn’t it amazing?

 Robin's shadow-2

Robin-4 Dragon head

Sunday also has past and we are now in the midst of this special Day. The Swimming Hole is a must of a destination. We are both low key within these events, in the sense of it’s material entity such as was Christmas. It is all within our Hearts as the fact in itself being together on such a vast and empty space is an accomplishment. Robin, Audrey and Lovey have travelled far to be here. There is no red heart shaped box filled with red creamy filling, flowers are about 65 miles away, to my knowledge Valentines Day has no special music, (maybe it does…), Nature’s breeze is our melody, but there is more cooking going on, some home made bread, another roasted chicken, one of those huge and plump organic bird, some nice basmati rice will follow, I think we forgot dessert! Peanut butter and honey might do.

Swimming hole-4

Robin and Audrey-5

Time is escaping us, the Sunrises already are of a few, we are not thinking of the days, we do not know what day it is. Maybe deep down we do, maybe we just do not want to admit it. For every day passing the Sunsets have become unlike the others in recent past when alone mesmerized by their colors, colors almost unimaginable, almost as “can they be real?”, yet they are as one set of eyes and the senses present today have doubled. It is a special week, one for the memories.


"I have had a great deal of interest in my photography over the years, for which I am grateful. Their sales are of much importance funding this Journey. I have been adding some photos lately, there will be more as I sift through about 100,000 of them. My “Zen Gallery” is an easy one to navigate on. Please take a look. For merchandise also SmugMug stands for quality. For contributions to defer the always rising Internet costs please use the toolbar above.”

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Peace, Love, Courage

