Archive for January, 2011

Reddington Rd. AZ

Sunday, January 16th, 2011

“I see my path, but I do not know where it leads. No knowing where I am going is what inspires me to travel it” ~ Rosalia de Castro



The lid came off a few days ago when taking on “Reddington Road” for the day through it’s Pass. Of course it was not riding the hack, we went on with my Friend Robin and her pup Audrey driving the SUV on this mild unpaved road yet affordable for most cars. There was much anticipation which had started a couple days earlier, it was our first outing since surgery, it was time to replenish the Soul while within this deserted space with only the meet of a few other vehicles. We blended in all together so well and yet each of us maintained their own personal pleasure, myself moved by the landscape, this breathable air now so present transporting me to a recognizable and cherished stage.


Reddington Rd-10

We are doing well in this City, I cannot say we are doing bad even if due to circumstances our mobility is not what it has been these past times. I was so ready to think “this is the price to pay”, but there is no price to pay truly when the company and a loved one’s presence is in our space at the present. All has been so positive, supportive and more. It is always the balance that counts, the wealth of the moment so rich in these times, the exchanges always of thoughts not anymore only on a page but also with spoken words. Our openness to each other has so much allowed us to express all that belongs to a core unable to write them when “us” is the subject for reasons too personal and respectful to each other. Little and so unimportant common threads for most has filled our Life from nicely prepared dinners, to Movies watched together to a deep sense of Spirituality emanating in discussions and to now enjoying the outdoors… and more food!


Banana Bread and Hummus

Lunch Break Feet

The fact alone that Audrey and Spirit have developed their own Friendship has been a gift for the both of us. They are like brother and sister playing with each other, often chasing the invisible throughout the existing backyard here, they are now buddies, gently even at times nibbling at each other while we ourselves watch them with much content. So many new details in Spirit’s and my own Life since meeting Robin. Including “Cool Cat Lovey” it is and has been as a family of five, always looking out for each other as to never loose our own individuality, such an important aspect considering the years past accrued which have given us each our own personal “activities”, “hobbies” and “must do” for each of us to be filled with the constant energy moving us throughout this Life.

Reddington Rd-12

Reddington Rd-3

Reddington Rd-2

Being on Reddington Rd reminded me so much about the lack of photos lately, maybe the lack of much writing as too much in pain and closed in for my own mind to wander in this labyrinth of thoughts always present. It has been a bit as an avenue so real and live which has been a bit closing in on us allowing another one to open up and smooth out with it’s own new adventures, explorations more of the mind than the body itself. Again trying to achieve the perfect balance when we will adventure ourselves again soon on the new roads awaiting for us, “Old Faithful” present and the tent and all those bags filled with gear, when knowing too well “perfection” is only a thought in itself, an image we strive to form unable to complete and sign at the bottom of what would be a masterpiece if ever finished. As my my Friend says it so well, “we are constantly sifting through it all…”, we can only try and do our best and more importantly be happy with it all.


Audrey and Spirit riding b

We drove, I even drove at times, slowly, crawling with no rush over this unpaved path, we stopped often while taking a few steps circling the point of rest, we ate and ate again, Spirit and Audrey filled themselves up with the smells present listening to what ourselves thought is silence as for them hearing it all. About a 100 mile loop all together, what a perfect day it was. What a bright sunshiny start of a recovery I must say, such support both inner and out, sometimes, maybe often, the words of the moment escape me with no excuse. Life has it’s unexpected curves, they are not all dark… some as today’s glow as never before.

Reddington Rd-13

Reddington Rd-11

Reddington Rd-6

Ara & Spirit

Be Safe and well
Peace, Love, Courage

Tucson Heart

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