Archive for December, 2010

Isn’t it amazing… TX

Monday, December 13th, 2010

It is a video I try to watch daily, a message I have been striving for these past years. It’s “Title” is a bit misleading, it is I would say about “Life” versus it’s “Tragedy”.


Yes, it is one of those mornings when all is so Peaceful as I feel reaching toward one of those last steps which always throughout times past have laid patiently ahead of me. Suddenly I have realized as each moment dictates the immediate "now", one however is always on that last step only because it is the “present”. The next hour is never here, it only has yet to come. Savor these instants because it is all we have. I have been away from it all these past days, meaning what I call “the outside World”, while sitting here within my own Center of the Universe, "The Oasis". I am reminiscing the weeks past. The events have been so unexpected, and yet, I should know first hand the path of Life is always filled with surprises.

The Oasis from above


Must go ride, must go and feel that wind coming through my helmet on my face, and yet I cannot go on too far and be "stupid" as my patience toward a near future Hernia surgery can run thin. Terlingua is not too far. We have not been there in weeks. It is colorful, we know many, the space is always of a welcoming one. Big Bend Park also is not of such a great distance and even with these shorter days upon us and a cold curtain dropping at the same instant the Sun sets, there are yet enough hours to take in Mother Nature’s offering. Unpaved roads are out for the moment, my body cannot take the bouncing and I can estimate it will be mid January till the wheels start rolling where I truly want to go.


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We left with all of this in mind, but we left too late. Will try again tomorrow. I need for a change to look at the clock with it’s hands for me moving just too fast in this slow environment we are in. Night came back on us too quickly, the moon as a sliver, the stars are here as a perpetual blanket already throwing down too much cold to just lay down on the ground and feel minute and get lost in my thoughts. Thoughts! I have had Friends asking me what we are doing, even where we are? When I try to reply with a link to this Journal their own reply is too often “what you write is too “esoteric” and gives up no clue of your whereabouts…”. I had to look up it’s definitions and synonyms even though I had a pretty good idea what they were talking about. And yes, it is true, it is “abstract”, maybe at times complex. It is only the results of much thinking while on the road, while living this Life which is also composed of physical entities and yet always complemented with a depth of comprehension trying to realize what I am doing here still standing on my two feet.


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Maybe I take Life too seriously, maybe I try to understand too much and my words can throw off the other travelers that run from Florida to Vancouver in two days. It does not make all my own moments too easy at times to have such a heightened awareness, to see and feel the reality surrounding me instead of just ignoring it. To shed the past programming most of us have had continuously as an input as the norm of Life. But it might be too late for me to change and only be concerned about speed and mileage and fuel consumptions, and only looking. None truly thrills me much, I can only see this giant stage we are on with every aspect of the mind complementing what I feel so deeply maybe too often, complementing my trials and tribulations of only trying to be a better Human Being toward myself and others. Trying to share it all as we should all be doing in it’s outmost simplicity. That simple…

Many Stones

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Many Stones-7 Many Stones-6

Tomorrow came by again. The cold front also made it’s way. The Park had to wait as I enjoy being there for Sunsets which would entail us to return within an even colder stream. Terlingua is till deserted. Even “Many Stones” which of course sells rocks and plants, also my fresh eggs, was closed. Sunday I know it is and yet most everywhere even when the “open” signs were up, it just was not so. I think the owners of establishments are getting smart and only opening when the influx of tourists which will be here soon gets a good start. It was a pleasant day and we returned early enough for a good nap and some cooking on the grill. I have discovered “Mesquite meal” and experimenting with it. In addition to the flavor of Pecan wood it has been a great addition to meats such as chicken and pork this time wrapped in flour tortillas with a tomato, cilantro, mango, green onion, olive oil and lime juice topping. 


mesquite meal mesquite pork chops
pork chops pork chops topping


Be well… enjoy!



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