Archive for August, 2009

And yet, another Dimension. MT

Saturday, August 22nd, 2009

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I often look at Spirit, really look meaning, abused in his first year and I still at times, sadly to my vision and compassion from past remembrances, sees his tail between his legs. It does not last long, we lock eyes and he realizes, I know he does, that it was then, today is now, a Life I know he enjoys immensely. I have learned a lot from him, and will say it over and over even if it might be shocking to some, I have. He does not have the ability of choices as we do, except what he had done four years ago by finally running away from his abusers, but I do have myself the ability to make my own choices. I thread so lightly through my present Life, as seemingly the more comfortable I find myself on this path, this Journey that has presented the so many steps I am slowly climbing, the more I think about the decisions taken, the harder I try to elaborate on the consequences of the consequences. And yet, as everyone else, I never know, no one really knows what is around the corner from sometimes a judgement taken or about to take.

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My logistics are not simple at all times, we are right now for the moment very fortunate to be camped out behind “The Rusty Cowboy” in Ennis, always a day away from the most incredible spaces amongst so many we have already visited throughout this country. My rationalizing I know sometimes does not match others. How can it? We have been on the road for a while now, the facets of society that where once well known to me have slowly dissipated to make room for my own expression throughout these times. I have had my tail between my legs long enough I feel, it is yet where it goes at times as my Buddy and I understand it too well. I just want to avoid forcing the issues and not take those often as in the past, steps backwards, as now, I only like to climb and try always my best to do so.

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What am I thinking? Where is this going? How can I express one of the most important facet of our Life? Our Space… This Space that encompasses the peacefulness of the mind, the soul, the physical surrounding us in where we stand, the mental one, the freedom to be who we are, the desire and ability to better myself, sometimes the nights being days and the days being nights as no clock keeps us running away from any source where harm could come uninvited. How many steps have I climbed so far? At what floor of this Life am I on? Could my hand really reach out another, offer it, extend it as if so with another Being to be within such a Space with? Of course, it is called “sharing”. How funny in a strange way that one can suddenly realize their capability when the frame and the glass of the painting suddenly comes apart, and all is left is an unshielded mind where the colors are true to be perceived as they are, unlike earlier from the glare of some lights so bright that it blinds the mind which tries to think.

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So many have landed a hand, it is my turn, so many have send us their own words of support and healing throughout these past years. This Journey which started the two of us, the “start of it all” being a notion of now past tense, and I can only say it has been such an uplifting experience and much more. All only because of this little Personal Journal I keep. The kind hearted Souls along our road keep standing up and intertwining with our own Life. So has been the case with Teri here.

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Oh!… what a Lady Teri is! As many moments that surrounds me with the need of experiencing their presence, so is she. Another dimension for me is generally somewhere “lost”, a bit further beyond many go, such as today adventuring ourselves on more distant roads then previously in this no man’s land, planning a big loop, but also, right here in Ennis, we have been living within and near this another dimension called “The Rusty Cowboy”, owned by Teri who is the Heart and the Soul of it all. I sure going to miss her when we leave in a few days, I just cannot understand how my path always manages to meet up with such awesome people. I can only hope to see her in Texas when, maybe, she joins Ron with another together Artistic venture. Teri is the wealthiest Lady in town, and yet her antique cash register will only ring up a one dollar bill at it’s highest amount shown. It always comes back to the same rhetoric, while others count their wealth in currency, in SUV’s and million dollar homes, when her own wealth is in giving to others what to begin with she does not even have.

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A “doer” she is as I don’t think anyone could keep up with her fast paced steps, I know I could not. Physically and mentally she is on this fast lane of Life on the slow lane of her Path with more reality as I have ever seen and felt. She will say it the way it is with a look backing up her authority in her own beliefs. Planted solidly and yet with a philosophy and earthy sense of Life that has been the many bases of our almost daily conversations, added with her ability to show me a light becoming brighter through her words, she has been and is and will be forever the Sister on my own path, a Soul which moves me without any agendas, so rare these days within this Society of ours always caught up within the gears of forward plans, trying too often to involve others for their own incentive.

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Her “place”… well, you are looking at it, it is a camera delight and more. Every day is seeing something new, they are all the components of her Life, every little piece has it’s story she knows all too well. How strange that I feel “at Home” here, coming and going, hearing what she is cooking for the night, today is “French lemon sauce chicken” she has already told me as I will bring some boiled little red potatoes in butter and parsley. It all feels “normal” as I am so often one that does not like to impose on others. She will feed the one stopping by at the right time in the evening, and yet, there is no right time as long as there are left overs. The World needs more “Teri’s”, there is no doubt about it.

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When in Ennis, stop by and see her, my Friends KC and Mia did while visiting me, I know they are still overwhelmed by “the experience”.

Be well…

Ara & Spirit

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