Archive for July, 2009

This one is for you Tyler, Tyler Risk that is… MT

Thursday, July 23rd, 2009
straight rd  

Quote “I don’t know you or Tyler, but I know Tyler has a huge heart and a loving soul and like in your writings it comes through with everything she shares. In this day and age, I think the importance of community and coming together to join together in a common good is a recurring theme. Tyler’s accident has shown that we can put away pettiness and come together to help each other. If there is one thing I have learned while walking around on this earth is that more than ever we do need each other. We need each other to be gentle, compassionate, caring, giving and honest among other things. That Tyler survived her accident is the miracle, the next miracle is that modern medicine has advanced so far that Tyler does not have to endure so much agony while she gets better. Although we seem to be some of the most fragile creatures on earth, we can also be very very strong. There is story after story about how someone can display ultra strength in times of need.” Sue


It has been a couple weeks, more really, when I heard the bad news about my Friend Tyler, victim of a motorcycle accident near Boise, Idaho. There is a Blog set up now where Tyler’s Sister, Jaime, writes diligently every day and with at times much humor needed about her condition. It is a great way to stay in touch with her progress. I met Tyler a couple years ago in the Bay Area, the first time being at a Pashnit (Motorcycle Forum) gathering in the Sierras, where I end cooking their Friday night meal for about 70 of them, when there were suppose to be only 15, and Tyler was one of them.


I am not writing this because “it is nice” to write something “nice” when someone gets hurt as badly as she has. I am writing this because as I read the Blog of her condition posted every day, my throat cannot help feeling all chocked up knowing what she is going through even if today, as mentioned above, “modern medicine” can keep the pain off. I am writing this because Tyler’s heart is indescribable as she herself truly is. I closely met only a few people while in the Bay Area, she is one that always stood out and then on always supported us herself throughout our own Journey. You would have to meet her to understand what I am trying to say so incoherently I feel, my reason for posting the first paragraph above written so much more eloquently than I could from a common Friend of ours “Sue”.


Tyler and I talked about much when we she cordially invited “us” at a couple functions, I remember one being a Birthday get together and one at a BBQ in the Wine Country. We talked about Life, Children as she has one daughter herself, “Shannon”, we talked about all those “personal stuff” you know, the kind only two souls alike can talk about, the kind I can only talk about when that person has that big heart and understanding in front of me. We never solved the World’s problems but we sure both felt better about what the future held for us. We parted with a big hug, we parted with big smiles, we always stayed in touch, I can only wish today I could give her another hug.

flower field  

And now, this. As with everything that happens in Life including Lance’s passing away, I try so hard to not ask “why?”. Why do we even want to ask? Probably programmed as all should be, we think of just a smooth path day after day, but knowingly I hope having the wisdom that the bumps are always awaiting us when least expected. This is a big one, it is a huge one in my Heart. We took a ride yesterday, Spirit and I, up Bridger Canyon Rd and Fairy Lake, wandered aimlessly and feeling helpless toward Tyler as I have been feeling every day. There were no bouquets large enough to send her, I knew these roads would not feel her presence for a while, and I thought these words and photos are what I can offer her today and for all the rest of her time till she is up and running again as she will. I thought you could also all offer her your kind words.


Sue writes above “I don’t know you or Tyler…”. You have never met her most of you, but you “do” know her. She is the one, she is the “being” you always have hoped to meet some day as her own Soul will overflow into yours without a doubt. I often within those pages find always the words to express myself, unfortunately I don’t today so well, I only feel, as I would like you to also feel and in turn make her feel. Can I ask? Could I ask? I will ask… for all of you to send her a few of your get well words… please. It will mean a lot to her, her incredible supporting Family and Friends, it will mean more to me than anything else.

the mountain  

Yes, it will take a few minutes of your time to register, to leave your get well words and receive her updates, I know you have that time, I know as Sue wrote it so well “more than ever we do need each other. We need each other to be gentle, compassionate, caring, giving and honest among other things…” . Tyler will be in care for quite a few more months, she has come a bit further around the curve right now, it would be so awesome for you all to support this wonderful Lady, as I also proudly call her my “My Friend”. You can register at the bottom of the page when you click on “Read Guestbook” and then on to “Sign my Guestbook”. Are you a Blogger yourself? Pass this on, it is that time to truly pull together, it only takes a few words… they will make her smile, they will make her own Family smile and more… so needed now… that is all.

the mountain  

You be well… Thank you… Thank you so much.

Ara & Spirit