Archive for July, 2008

The Dark skies of Utah… finally.

Sunday, July 20th, 2008

It is Sunday today, and Sundays for some reason or another sometimes take on another dimension. It was for me always a working day, I loved working on the weekend as if I was lucky I could take a day off during the week on uncrowded roads or waters when I lived on a sailboat. So, mentioning "work"… how did my two days at the Grill go? I am smiling because it did not go well! I keep thinking if I am the reason and the cause for such failure trying to find a little job, or for that matter a big job a couple days a week. All was so well… such a great opportunity for both of us… but the spokes got caught in some not very well oiled gears. Personalities in a kitchen are quite often like a boiling pot, being at the bottom of it at this stage of my Life versus being the lid for so many years, I have learned to just smile and not pay attention to the steam at times escaping from other’s pressure.

Hole in the Rock Rd 1


But this was the second week that within 6 hours into my shift I was being told that it would be it for the week. The deal was 2 days a week, 16 hours, truthfully a much needed income right now as I spoke up. So what happened? The owner and I got along real well… the Manager and I, well, her insecurity dealing with someone with too much experience versus her couple years at the Grill created an array of arsenal I could only dodge while laying low. I can only go with an established program even if I am being told a few times that "I have been the Governess here for the past 3 years"… a term I have never heard in the Restaurant business. I had to smile, it was a great line. "A Governess"? I am still smiling! Is she liked by everyone? No… and here I was, having been told it was a fun place to work, as she never cracked a smile within a space thick enough to need a fog horn. But in the big picture, the financial picture of a Restaurant, here is a manager doing her job, no matter how, being called whatever she is being called behind her back… and here is a cook wanting to work 2 days a week. Conflict?… not really, the Manager stays, the cook goes… In a town of 180 the applications are not many!

Hole in the Wall Rd 4

We shall go seek locally soon, a few have already given me a tip or two, there are some events coming up including an Art Festival, I am sure that my two hands can be of some use. It is rather strange and I was actually "happy" that there was no upset feelings within myself even while riding back from Boulder. My destiny I feel has already been carved and I have learned to accept whatever comes my way as more important facets have slowly surfaced and established themselves in our daily Life. I am as a spectator watching others, when in such close environment, do their ‘thing’ through their own motivations whatever they are. I like to emerge from such situations with a smile as it is so unimportant in the big scheme of things surrounding us. Should I return and set up an appointment with her? She does have a Master in Counseling… what an irony!!! Funny!

Hole in the Rock Rd 6

The day has been gray, the skies a bit menacing today, I would not mind riding in the rain a bit to cool things off a bit. Hole in the Rock Road has been an Historical Road which I have been planning to go on, but something had always come up. Today was no exception as I knew we would not make it all the way this time due to the severe weather coming up. A bit of rain is good, flash flood warnings are not.

Hole in the Wall Rd 2 

The inevitable country road sign that has been shot a few times… This road was drawn in 1879 when 250 Mormon Pioneers set up to find a shortcut across the Colorado River to San Juan County, south. An ambitious undertaking it was as they had no clue what was awaiting them. As one Pioneer recalls "The country here is almost entirely rocks, sand, high hills and mountains all cut to pieces by deep gulches, which in many places altogether impassable". Their route led them to a cleft in the rock almost a thousand feet above the Colorado River. They named the cleft "Hole in the Rock" and using blasting powder and days of hand labor they widen the opening until their wagons could go through.

Hole in the Rock 8  

It took until January 1880 for the entire party and their 80 wagons to successfully cross the Colorado River, without a single casualty. Ending their expedition the following April, they settled in a place they named "Bluff", Utah. We remember Bluff. My rig as I understand will not make the last 7 miles to the actual passage, the terrain needing a true 4×4. But we will try sometime soon as we really did not get too far this time.

Spirit 1  

Besides the, again, incredible washboard condition, it is a fun road to ride. Sure as one can see the scenery is not comparable to other roads, but the "space" is. I love those endless trails with seemingly no end, we love to stop and take a break, walk around a bit never forgetting the first wheels that rolled by when the going was even tougher. We have some bad weather in the forecast through Tuesday night. I have been planning for us to go on back to Penguitch and then on Penguitch Lake, eventually to Cedar Break. The forecast will dictate our moves.


We will be going to Moab on Wednesday to meet a Friend and camp out for a couple days and I think I have another Friend from Louisiana coming up by the end of the week. I will be the Tour Guide, Cook and bottle washer those days… all at the same time! I think Spirit is ready for those long rides and the company. He is turning into a "people lover", as soon as meeting them trying to rub his back on their legs almost knocking them over in the process!… at the same time giving always this look for me to approve. He sure has adapted well to our Journey and the moving around we have done, never really having a "physically" anyhow, stable "home".

Spirit 2 

It finally rained on us, rained hard. I stop after turning around trying to get a picture of the lightning. Did not happen. I have to find out how, besides being lucky with the shutter at "that" moment as I was was always a split second too late. Quiet times right now, activities are always based on the weather as we are always outside… except for now of course!

Hole in the Rock Rd 9

  Hole in the Rock Rd 10

Those clouds don’t even look real…

As always, you be well…

Have you checked the T-shirts lately… T-shirtsMouse padsPhotography

We are truly always under deep appreciation toward the readers that have send in a contribution helping this website’s expenditures which needless to say have gone up. For those who have not, continue enjoying the site, pictures, recipes, and if you feel it is worth $1 a month, the contribution button is above, snail mail is below… PayPal can even set you up with a ONE Dollar a month contribution…

Ara Gureghian   853 Vanderbilt Beach Rd #245   Naples, Fl 34108

Ara & Spirit