Archive for June, 2007

A one handed Blog in Grand Rapids… MI

Tuesday, June 19th, 2007

If this is short… very short… it is because I am typing with one hand… a lot of pain… and a wobbly mind! Surgery this morning on the right hand! I impaled it Friday sometime through a branch unseen till too late… obviously… trying to get Spirit’s attention lost in the rear of the property in a jungle like setting… and it seems that Neosporin and Hydrogen Peroxide on a daily bases just did not stop from an infection to take place!

So here I am one handed, in Grand Rapids, Michigan… yes, picking up my Birthday Present… Spirit had to be boarded Sunday… my rig is apart… lets see… what happened???

All things must pass… Spirit is in great hands and actually my friend Andy who went to check on him yesterday (thanks Andy… thanks for the thought) said that he did not even want to disturb him as he was… too busy playing with the others! I am sure he is having a blast actually… but I miss him so much and was also part of the fact that I could not sleep last night… If you can believe this… I would wake up constantly thinking that I was hearing him!

The rig?… it will be better than ever… a long list of “do’s” and there could not have been a better man than Andy to tackle the long list… Yes, you are reading his name a lot… we are never alone in life in times of need, at least I hope that “you” never are.

I obviously flew in… via Denver… just another flight… seems that they are making the square footage per passenger as little as possible!… and feeding one also as little as possible…

The rest of the story will come later… this is about how much I can last on this key board… pain medication included.

You be well…

Ara & Spirit