Archive for June, 2007

Idling near Seattle… WA

Tuesday, June 26th, 2007

Today the “itch” for riding has definitly made its mark… an impression overall which I am trying to suppress. Only normal when having the luxury to roll on everyday. At the same time there is much to do! Andy is starting his vacation time tomorrow and “we” are going to spin time has never before… How do I know that? He is fast… and I am slow!

My job?… the bodywork on the car after he is done “brazing” it. It is cracked if you can believe it… don’t ask why… of course it is my doing and now we can change the subject! So I will be pounding and sanding. A lot already has been accomplished, the transmission = beautiful, the sub frame = perfect alignment, I know that he has a plan, there has never been anyone I have trusted more… it is just an amazing development in this Journey.

As everything within the forward motion has stopped at idle, I am now, today, realizing that as things where, we probably would not have made it safely that much further… ill preparations?… maybe that is part of it as everything is so abused on the road, but also a normal curve of wear and tear, 9 months… As we will be leaving in much better shape, maybe we will last one year this time… and who knows… this might turn out to be an annual ritual with Andy! A much appreciated favor as words will never express the gratitude.

I am myself busy with the move… the Bronco is gone to a new home, with dust and all from all the States we camped in, minus a radio which was a going away present and the XM Radio which will both go in the RV soon. I never realized how much “stuff” I had as today the clothes moved from the trailer to these closets. It was easy to wash and wear the same thing instead of hunting for something new! Too much choice now…

Tomorrow the kitchen stuff will move and slowly reorganize the trailer also which, a good thing, will be lighter as this suspension needs a bit of weight.

It is almost as Part II of this Journey is going to start as my excitement is becoming so similar to when we left the first time. Experiences have set in, the future roads might be unknown, but living on the road has revealed some of its secrets. The need of wandering is stronger than ever awaiting for the daily surprises as more and more the thought of less planning is settling in.

One aspect about being here has been the well being of Spirit. Unfortunately today I had to put him back on his line while outside without supervision… he too likes to wander and… took off three times so far. Come to think of it, he has always tried to come back, he might be taking after me! Those dogs have a blast! Gretel is the new Boxer puppy that was a bit sick when we arrived… now, 100% better as the pictures show, and her thoughts are that she is also 3 years old!

Spirit has shown so much kindness and patience with her as he is attacked… over and over! He has such a great “paternal” instinct if I may call it that… They “all” chase each other… run around in circles… I can spend hours watching them… The thought of having… another buddy has started to cross my mind on a daily bases now. I think he would love the constant company, could be another puppy… maybe a bit smaller size so they would both fit in the sidecar?

During a break from my doings, these pictures are from a walk we took down the driveway. We are far from the main road and many berries are growing wild… ziplock bag and camera I was ready to have some for dessert… maybe topped on some crème brulee? Unfortunately they tasted as bad as they looked beautiful… the pictures remain…

Hope you don’t mind a couple shots from the not so distant past… that beach calls me back every day!

Will keep you posted of the progress of course… lots of changes these coming days.

You be well… Ara & Spirit

Enjoying the scenery?… worth $1 a month? thanks for the contribution… If no PayPal, here is our snail mail address

Ara Gureghian

853 Vanderbilt Beach Rd #245

Naples Fl 34108