Archive for April, 2007

After six months on the road, CA.

Saturday, April 28th, 2007

I just realized yesterday, the 27th, that it has been six months on the road for us! This is normally the time, as I did for the past 20 years, when I would be back in Florida, trying to change my frame of mind, looking for a place to live, getting the appointment book out and mainly fighting the traffic increasing as the years went by. I would have to listen to my client’s stories… they would have to listen to my own new discoveries… and life would go on taking at least a month to try to get with it as they say…

But none of that today… Instead we are floating throughout a timeless path through the country, awaken only by the surroundings of Mother Nature, trying to avoid the big cities, we have not fallen off the surface of the Earth, we only have taken a step down deep into its womb. I guess on a calendar year six months is quite a bit of time, it only feels like a few days to me. It feels as we have arrived and crossed from one coast to the other in an extremely fast pace. The weather has been dictating our route for sure and I feel like I have only touched briefly so many areas were I would like to explore more of its geography, local fares, customs and people.

All has held up fairly well, all that was planned has happened and more!… The rig was the big downfall, but it seems to be doing very well now since the addition of the new arm and repairing ALL the points of attachments… If it did not break these past days with a round trip on 155 and yesterday, which you are seeing the pictures, north… right and right… (the road only had a number!), well, it means it is solid as I check it daily now… Everything else is taking a beating, looking well used, much dirt and dust and sand… it is par for the course!

Spirit has held up very well also, still getting over the one time he has been sick, mainly trying to put some weight back on. Being all muscles, even a single pound off his frame shows… I see a lot of pictures of other Pits where their ribs showing are emphasized, I personally do not like it… they look starved… and then again, just a personal opinion. He will get there… I am feeding him heavily, and a member of a Pit Forum was kind enough to send me a recipe of what is called “satin balls” to fatten him up…

And where do we go from here?… Geographically… north to escape the heat which already as of yesterday is abundant, in the 90’s! Dry however, bugs are out, mosquitos at sunset are swarming and keeping us inside , we are next to the Kern river, something to keep in mind for the next location. The red rocks have disappeared, making room however for some true beauty of the mountains and rivers populated with an incredible variety of trees and flowers starting to bloom.

The crowds are not here yet as it amazed me how many campgrounds there are between here and deep up the mountains elevations. I was told that they will be all filled up by Memorial Day weekend… Of course the other side of the coin right now are the road closures… without a map yesterday we rode north, making a right at every closure which took us onto many twisted roads, some broken down from the harshness of the winter I am sure under plan to be repaired.

We might have crossed one car all day, silence mixed with the howling of the wind through the trees at every stop made its presence as, instead soon, engines and human voices will take over.

And mentally where do we go from here?… I feel as we are riding a sweeper of a curve at the present! I miss my profession… but not all of it! I miss the Artistic Creations as I always thought of my path a true Artistic one… what other Art form is there where shapes, textures, colors, presentation and first of all… taste… exists?… Combined with the fact that none of it is kept… short lived it is… just to turn around and start over. One reason to go on with my Micro Cooking here as time allows, same path on another level shared with you all and that is a thrill for me!

I don’t miss crunching the numbers… policing the help working half the time at crawling speeds… bowing to the customer that will always complain no matter what… the 12 to 14 hr days only ending up crawling in bed trying to recoup the lack of sleep which one never does!

This Journey has moved on forward so many new faces in you all. A fact that was not anticipated at all, many I have not even met yet and a few that I have and opened up their home and arms as widely and generously as possible. This Journey has made me dig deeper into myself as to what really is important in life and what is not, what one really needs and does not need seeking a certain level of happiness and well being. And it turns out that everything that fills one up is not for sale!… It is the full expansion of the senses and the relationships with others all from within.

Quite a treat!

This long sweeper will last I hope a long time as I plan to be on the road as long as possible… I keep thinking ten years… maybe more! I keep thinking about the day when I will read back my first Blog… strangely I am sure as we all will be changed somehow throughout the times passed.

I know I will not find right or wrong or wishes that things would have been different. Those days are gone… we can always steer the path that we are on, correct the direction taken, there should never be regrets as we can only live for “now”… the past and the future are not reachable… only this moment has some control from us… and I say “some” as we are never in full control!

This Blog has been one of the best decision I feel I have taken. Strange at times to be an open book to so many, but rewarding at the same time to share a great (to me!) Journey encompassing so many subjects at times… including riding, Spirit, food, Mother Nature and Life in itelf.

I will always write… I have been meaning to do this for so many years, the six months yearly however never gave me te opportunity. Its publishing as is however is uncertain… financial obligations are making it hard to cope with its expenses. Many since I have added my “make a donation” button have come forward and contributed, .5% of you readers… obviously many have not… I cannot wonder why… I did not like to make that decision to begin with, but the asking is so little considering that I am sure everyone even loose more than one dollar a month in loose change…  A friend of mine the other day pointed out that you have to pay to purchase a book… he accentuated the similarity of the Blog…

We are laying low today… catching up with some “fixing things”… paint some weld joints, take Spirit for a long walk, catch up on some e mail and waiting for a visit from a rider this afternoon… company!… not an everyday happening… As the weather is warming up, I am trying to eat lighter, healthier also, nothing needs to be pipping hot anymore!

I just fixed a Chicken and Couscous salad… Couscous is an easy staple to make…

One pan… cut chicken saute in oil, add some sliced zucchinis when the chicken is almost done.

Remove. Do not clean the pan… add one cup water and a chicken broth cube, 2 to 3 Tbs of olive oil, more than normally as it will be a salad, dissolve and bring to boil, add one cup of Couscous, turn off and cover with a plate. After about 5 mn’s stir the Cousous. Spoon it on a plate centered, add the chicken on top, surround with the zucchinis, sliced avocados, diced tomatoes… green onions… use your imagination. A bit more olive oil, lemon juice… sliced roasted peppers (I had some)…. and always… eat! Easy Micro Cooking for camping… home?

Till next time… on to Sequoia tomorrow… you be all well.

Ara & Spirit

Is reading this Blog worth one Dollar a month to you?… A yearly contribution for rising costs would be greatly helpful and appreciated. PayPal button above… We thank you…Snail Mail for those not using PayPal:Ara Gureghian

853 Vanderbilt Beach Rd #245


FL 34108

Thank you…