Archive for March, 2007

Darker Skies in Zion NP. Utah…

Thursday, March 29th, 2007

How strange Karma… some call it faith… destiny… works in mysterious ways! For the first time I lost what I had written today… and that is really so fine as also for the first time reading the words… they were just not balancing their meanings in my mind Some days I have been experiencing are “internal” and some are “external”. Trying to get to Bryce Canyon today was a beautiful ride through the snow dusted peaks of the Mountains… only to turn around 60 miles from it due to a bitter cold wind that even penetrated my layers of wind proof and heated materials. But my mind was not letting go of the internal gears turning non stop through a chain of events that have taken place this past few days…

All good… and maybe that is what amazes me, and keeps me wondering how life can be so meaningful when one just let it roll through. If you remember, a friend turned me on to Ken Foster’s book called “the dogs who found me“… the next day I find it taking a tour with Spirit at the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Kanab, staring at me off a shelf … great reading by the way… twice already!… Then I decided to look at his website and find out that his dog Brendo could pass for Spirit!… I write to him… the wonders of the Internet!

And there we are corresponding. This morning he had our picture up on his website with a link to my site for his readers to follow up on us! How honored I have been all day…

If you also remember I have been mentioning about taking a Class in Photography… I received an e mail today from Nanu… a reader from San Francisco, both him and wife incredible Photographers… his young son is asking how Spirit is doing!… they also have bought a sidecar rig, and have invited me to stop by. He has already agreed to share some of his knowledge!

I guess I will also be busy in the kitchen!

And if that was not enough… another invite from Seattle, a BMW technician that has had a change of career… but has offered me to rework my sidecar from top to bottom! Built a cage and add some arms for strength… he still has a full shop at his home… and more cooking!!! Is this called “bartering”?

I end the day by finding a complete section of news on Pit Bulls on the Best Friends Network… the Network shared by the members of the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary… thrilled to read all the stories of rescued Pits as Spirit is… and will share mine with them soon!

Can the day get any better?… The rain is gone… the forecast is sunny for as long as they can predict it… How can all this not occupy this mind of mine! More and more the road feels so planted as my Home, less and less the fell that one has to have four walls is vanishing, physically and mentally adapting to so many pieces of land, so many latitudes and longitudes is becoming a way of life that I have always dreamed of.

As I mentioned, we turned around 60 miles from Bryce Canyon, so few cars on the way and even fewer coming back. The weekend will show its warmer side and I am sure will show more visitors to this grandiose area. It was still early in the day, time to go food shopping in La Verkin, a bit more west from camp, store called Farmer’s Market, where I truly was impressed with the freshness and variety of the produce and friendliness of the people! One lady shopping actually asked me… or said… “everyone likes talking to you… right?”. I guess living with Spirit… with not much audible conversation, one way anyhow, I start talking to people when I have a chance…

As sometimes they ask some funny questions!

Like… “is that you dog in the sidecar?”… which I respond… “what dog?… he must have just jumped in…”, or, “are you the one riding the bike?”… “no, I am getting ready for Halloween…”, and on and on… We laugh, we talk, and they invariably give me some great insights on the local fares and roads…

Last night I came up with one of my favorite dishes… I have to call it “Summer Pork”… remember, you can do this at home, but my thought is the simplicity of it when camping!

My recipes are ideas… you can substitute… you can add… you can subtract!

I had a couple boneless chops… not much else. Diced, sliced fresh garlic, and saute then both in a pan… saute well, pork has to be well done… Remove the contents when done and place in a bowl.

To the same pan, add diced tomatoes, avocado, a mango, cilantro and sliced green onions… a bit of horseradish… remember you still have the drippings of the pork… garlic flavored… saute just for a few minutes, just enough to warm it up, gently without destroying the avocado or mango specially… throw the pork back in and mix some more… plate… It is almost, well kind of a salad… fresh tasting with many flavors… easy! You want to have some rice on the side… that would be well. I didn’t… wanting to keep it light… right! Add some dressing you have available if you like… maybe a bit more olive oil…

Enjoy… more riding ahead… this is Life on the road at its best… I think!

You be well…

Ara & Spirit