Archive for January, 2007

Another dinner and a ride to Julian, CA.

Wednesday, January 24th, 2007

 Hi!… and welcome to our new space on the Internet!… and thanks for doing the switcheither in your favorites or RSS feed… much more Bandwidth, maybe a bit cleaner looking also. It will also allow for more to come, hopefully some videos… better feedback and soon with a new Satellite Dish the ability to post instantly from wherever we are!… There will be no need to look for a connection anymore…


Dinner for 3 last night… an early dinner to enjoy the daylight and the warmth of the day. It has been amazingly hot here and I cannot even imagine what summer is like. As soon as the sun goes down however the cold drops like a brick, instantly jacket needed…


Linda and Billy are locals here and members of Desert Talk which has helped me so tremendously with guiding me around here. We had dinner last week at the Palm Canyon Resort, and this time it was my turn to cook… I just cannot imagine life without any knowledge of cooking… it would be like being at the mercy of life itself! A quick look at the huge pantry of mine… besides a rice pilaff and some broccoli, the main substance was some chicken sauteed in butter… with sliced onions, diced garlic, hot sauce… cilantro and milk to end it all… we feasted last night!

Nice Jeep!!!


I find it just too cool transforming the Desert space into suddenly a dining room… complete with even a couple IKEA chairs that have kept! No wind… nice sunshine… maps are out for more roads to discover… much conversation… and of course Spirit always gets the best of it… Pit Bulls are so mean!… right…


And for those who have missed seeing me… here I am with a full stomach… It looks as I have lost a lot of weight… doesn’t it? Strange as we walk everyday now, eat pretty healthy… could it be the late night milk and cookie snacks? Life has to have some compensations?…



Today I decided to visit the town of Julian, west of here, route 78 and perched at about 4200 feet.

After finishing the oil change I started yesterday… using a makeshift garage with a tarp on the ground to keep the sand off everything… some conversations with some distant neighbors that seem to spend every winter here… free camping remember!… and we are ready to go.

Passing through town I have to stop to buy a battery charger as my inverter on the camper is now broken!… This will be a Mickey Mouse set up till I have a chance to have it fixed since I could not find anything wrong with it. Might be time for a solar panel instead!… also a voltmeter, I remember having a couple of those but I must have given them away when I left.


The road is great, the last 6 miles are the best, curves after curves and we now have trees! Greenery… how about that! I truly feel like I have left the Desert and the temperature also drops with the elevation. I had received different opinions about the town… some good… some, well, just like any other tourist trap…



It was the later… Apple Pies where being sold everywhere… quaint Bed and Breakfast here and there… and… I was suddenly in a different world… should I say I was surrounded by real people?

We did not stay too long… trying to avoid a Japanese picture taking group with cameras as big as a telescope… women shopping but had not dropped yet… a few other bikes going by with the smart of not stopping.



I was looking forward to the ride back and coming back… home, realizing how much I like the Desert and its solitude, the care free atmosphere and the real freedom to move around as one pleases. It was good, it was a good ride… black top has no sand!… and I have learned of some new hard packed roads east of here that I will ride soon before leaving for Joshua Tree and Mojave soon… maybe in a couple days?



Be well…

Ara and Spirit