Archive for December, 2006

And the wheels keep coming…

Thursday, December 28th, 2006

There was none, then two… then three…

And now four…

The morning started as usual with a quick Breakfast, and don’t you be thinking this is what I eat every morning!… I don’t think I could afford my medication dosage if I did… but, once in a while this one pan meal does the trick, the smell of bacon is always a good one lingering through the camp… okay, maybe twice a week? Might have to cut back to once?…

And again I had to ride up to Ralph’s shop… my first quality Russian fluid container on the sidecar busted up again in two places, have been riding around with a bungee cord holding it and I had made arrangements for Ralph to weld it… 6 miles up the road… gate No 5 on the left…a mile of dirt road… I knew it well now. It amazes me every time how busy the shop is for being in the middle of nowhere… as they say… you built it and they will come… and lets face it… do you have this view when you go to your local motorcycle shop??? I doubt it!

Another rider showed up, we were a little crowd now, I have no idea what a few of them where doing… I think drinking coffee in the back by the cliff, one was dismantling and 1940’s BMW engine… and Ralph was going into a multi directional day. He is a good man, he was in his office when I showed up… "Ralph?" I called in… "who is bothering me this morning?" I hear in reply…

Who else? Deemer has showed up (I hope that is his name… maybe not!) with a twisted gear shift lever having hit a Javelina at 80mph a couple days earlier… towing it with his 4 x 4 van… nice van… right? Custom made… a bit pricey for not having a generator, shower, head… around $75K!

I was all fixed up, even the holder had been painted and dry and again it was time to do some riding… I wanted to ride some river beds that I had seen, Mike has ridden some the day before and the report was fun!… So everything is fun here… Those riverbeds where on the way to Lajitas, just a couple miles out of Terlingua on the left… I had to ride pass by Kosmic Xafe and I was good, real good, I only took a whiff of the smells and did not stop… right!… a mile down the road I turned around… It is at the point I don’t even have to place my order… another pork burrito added to the waist line… much chatting… a couple interesting professional photographers ask me permission to take pictures of the rig and Spirit… I am hurt… how about me? One of them wants me in… I feel better now!!!

I had to go… as every time I passed by this river bed I had the fantasy that I was going to ride it downstream leaping that drop… so it is a fantasy… and, sorry, this man’s body hurts and heals differently now as the years are starting to take their toll… it will remain a fantasy! I don’t think I could fool for one second!… So that was the end of this one…

And there is another one a little further down,, from the tire tracks I knew I was not the first one on this territory…

This one went on for ever… it seemed like anyhow… I had just also realigned my bike, as the rear end had to much lean out versus the front end… I was mostly feeling a wash out on many right handers… it was perfect now… Can you spell "FUN"?

And I forgot to mention about Byron and Felipe joining us, today?… last night?… I lost track…

Pizza night was on the menu… I have been riding by this shack that looked like an abandoned trailer, has a washed out sign with "Bend Pizza" on it… and sure enough turns out to be another local hang out for Pizza and drinks! So we pile up… okay… so we drove there… and can you spell "FUN" again? Specially when our local reporter Anna, AKA "VIVID1" is juggling a camera in one hand and a hot slice in the other…

From the left… Byron, he has had enough, Anna with her "must smile on camera" motto, Mike with no comment and Felipe, happy go lucky Felipe! Should I mention that as we exit, dark by now, an identical truck like Anna’s were parked side by side and she tried to get into the wrong one?… Does that tell you anything?

Long ride tomorrow through the State Park… the river road must be ridden also to get there…

Till then… Adios… Be well…

Ara & Spirit.